The Art of Pause

Throughout my life I have always worked towards being productive and efficient; yet never able to reach my ideal of productivity and efficiency.  Nothing wrong with these strivings, unless my strivings caused unknown or unnecessary sacrifices.

As I have grown older, reflected and sought wisdom from others, I have realized that practicing the art of pause is much needed, not just for me, but for everyone.


  1. a temporary stop or rest in speech or action;
  2. a cessation of activity; a momentary hesitation

Simply stated, pause is momentarily stopping. Simple, yet hard to implement.

What do I need to stop? How do I stop? and why? Taking pause is an invitation to experience life differently. A treasured opportunity to evaluate and adjust life’s course. Pausing also provides opportunity to align my thoughts, actions and habits with my values. Utilizing the art of pause creates a more purposeful and intentional life.

Practicing the art of pause:

  • Be present. Look at and appreciate the created world around you. From blades of grass to the clouds, from the silence to the sound of wind, listen, observe and appreciate. Author and speaker Christy Wrights says, “Be present where your feet are”.
  • Purchases. Before acquiring a new item, pause. Pause for one day, two days, one month, two months. Pausing causes you to evaluate; to determine if the purchase is simply wanted or truly needed. Pause helps you reflect and consider if the monetary exchange reflects your beliefs and supports your desired financial goals.
  • Words and Thoughts. Pause your thoughts. Evaluate and determine if they are worthwhile or need to be dismissed. Our words are an outpouring of our thoughts.
  • Gratitude. Take time every day to be thankful. There are many things in life to be grateful for. Pause and say thank you to God, others, and even yourself.  A morning or evening journal for recording thankful thoughts changes our outlook on life.

Although being efficient and productive brings its benefits, I am choosing to not allow my striving to interrupt the ability to enjoy life. Practicing the art of pause will cause me (and you)  to enjoy every day and every season. It’s a gift.

This article from Habits of Wellbeing is very insightful and helpful.




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