The Art of Pause

Throughout my life I have always worked towards being productive and efficient; yet never able to reach my ideal of productivity and efficiency.  Nothing wrong with these strivings, unless my strivings caused unknown or unnecessary sacrifices. As I have grown older, reflected and sought wisdom from others, I have realized that practicing the art of pause is much needed, not just for me, but for everyone. P A U S E a temporary stop or rest in speech or action; a cessation of activity; a momentary hesitation Simply stated, pause is momentarily stopping. Simple, yet hard to implement. What do I […]

Facing Reality

Sometimes reality hits you in the face with a strong blow. My annual visit to the doctor did just that –  slapped me a good one! Certainly proud of my lifestyle choices, I answered the health questions with a bit of smugness: Yes, I brush my teeth twice a day; Yes, I floss; Yes, I participate in a variety of exercise throughout the week including Zumba, walking, and Essentrics. Reality, though, slowly moved into my psyche when asked more clarifying questions: How many times per week  do you exercise? I can’t lie, the average is  two though I want to believe […]

Two Pair of Sandals for a Pair of Muck Boots (or when your financial coach gives in)

In my full-time job, I work for dairy farmers, and have the privilege of  visiting their farms quite often. Spring rain and snow in Colorado often necessitates the need for good shoe coverings or muck boots (muck, because you are in a lot of muck!). During one of my farm visits I encountered someone sporting cute muck boots. Immediately I knew these were a must-have item – for the benefit of my work, of course! After a short discussion on where and how much, it was decided. I must own a pair of CUTE muck boots. So off to the […]

A Sunburn, Grace and Mercy

“And the Lord God made clothing from animal skins for Adam and his wife Eve.”        Genesis 2:21 NLT   One of the most compassionate scriptures in the Bible is when God takes care of Adam and Eve, even as they are about to live out the eternal consequences of their sin. Despite their willful sin, He lovingly took care of their needs . Leaving for his roofing job, I reminded my son to use sunscreen.  His ‘whatever’ reaction prompted a follow-up text.  With only 40 characters to use, I used my best skills at an abbreviated sermon, and […]

Life Changing Tragedies, by Collin Tucker, 2010

The following is Collin’s complete essay written after corrective surgery with Shriners Hospitals for Children®. Visit Just Ask blog for more of the story. Tragedies are mostly viewed to have a horrendous affect on one’s life. They can sometimes cause serious health issues,which in turn cause financial difficulty for the family trying to pay for treatment, and many times families can be split over the stress of it all. Can any good come from such harsh tragedies such as lifelong disease and cancers? At first glance upon such a situation, no good can be seen. But in my recent experience, […]

Raw Footage

We were caught off guard, Gary and I. Our church youth group was gathered to celebrate God’s plan for marriage. Our son, Collin, was the youth intern; Dylan a senior. Each of us were to answer a question; luck of the draw would give us a serious or not-so-serious question about marriage. Collin was to answer “whose marriage do you admire and why?”. We have been surrounded by many strong marriages, marriages that have conquered the odds. Who does he admire? The answer surprised us. His answer was “my mom and dad’s. It is raw footage.” Swallow hard. No, you […]