The Beauty of Rhythm and Routine


What if the rhythm of our life and routines created were all we needed to move forward towards our desired outcomes?

Honestly, in my past, this would have been a boring proposition. After all, doesn’t a meaningful life include taking risks and being adventurous? Yet, life has taught me that my desired outcomes for this week, next month or in 2023 and beyond must be pursued with intentionality; and that intentionality includes my daily, weekly and monthly routines and/or habits which reflect the natural rhythms of life.

Our world has natural rhythms: sunlight turns to dark which leads to another new day, change of season, time, aging, human development. These rhythms support the web and flow of life itself. Whether aware of it or not, we crave rhythm and routine. So how do we take advantage of the natural rhythms while adding routines and habits to create the life we desire?


  1. Acknowledge the natural and present rhythms of your life. Understand there are already rhythms in your life: nature, the body’s physical, spiritual and emotional needs (rest, nourishment, exercise, relationships), rhythm of work, eating and sleeping patterns, etc. Acknowledge the natural rhythms as well as your current season of your life (whether for this week, this month, or the next few years). If you travel for work, rhythms are different than if you work from home. If you have toddlers or teenagers, rhythms are vastly different.
  2. Assess. Where do you want to be? Who do you want to be? And what habits/routines need to be in place to get there? Do you know people who are  or where you want to be? Interview them.  Do you already have routines in place? How were they established? What are the benefits? Learn from yourself.
  3. Make a plan. More than New Year’s resolutions, this is about being intentional. Using the natural rhythms that are already in place, what new routines would you like to create? What should be eliminated? Be intentional even in the normalcy of your life.
    • Example: You need to eat. How can you be intentional with where, when, what and how you eat? If important, create a routine. Apply this to all of the already set-in-place rhythms.
  4. Adjust. What’s working? What’s not working?  Remember, to take it slow and be patient with yourself and others. New routines include change and change is challenging.  What is already in place that can be adjusted to add more intentionality? Is there something that needs to be eliminated in your life?


What does this have to do with your money? I’m glad you asked!

There is already a natural rhythm to your money. Pay arrives and leaves on a regular basis. You can’t control the timing of the bank deposit, but you can control the allocation of your income. Establish a routine for making those decisions – every month before the month begins. Create a weekly routine for checking on your spending. Practice checking your plan BEFORE spending.

It is important to know that routines define who we are and who we will become – for yourself, spouse/partner and family. And routines have the power to help each of us tackle our life, or live our life with much intentionality. Do want to make changes in your life? Develop the necessary rhythms and routines to make it happen.

Here’s to a great 2023.


Recommended Resources:

Joshua Becker’s becomingminimalist

The Power of Habit

Atomic Habits

Tiny Habits

Habits of the Household by Justin Whitmel Earley


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